This Italianate estate built circa 1927 has been home to the owners for 26 years and has undergone a number of improvements faithful to the integrity of the period and style under their knowledgeable direction. They commissioned APLD to improve the outdoor environments to create a better flow through the gardens, new plantings and appropriate embellishments.
The gardens and plantings in front of the property were redesigned with a palette of dramatic native and drought-tolerant plants including aloes, agaves and Dasylirion longissimum.
APLD integrated gardens on two levels with this classic rill. The rill flows down a series of steps from the pergola in the upper garden to a lower dining patio with fountains at each terminus.
The west garden was formalized with parterres featuring lemon trees and anchored with an antique Italian urn converted to a fountain.
A new fountain was designed for the east pool garden along with new plantings.